


Collection Items

Blue Corn, Square Tomatoes Notes
Notes from the book "Blue Corn and Square Tomatoes: Unusual Facts about Common Garden Vegetables"

Foods Brought to St. Augustine
A list of foods brought to St. Augustine, gathered from various sources

Foodways Workshop Notes
An itinerary for a foodways workshop

Cooking Workshops Notes
An itinerary for two cooking workshops

Cooking Work Shop
Script for a cooking workshop hosted by Clark Wullenweber

One Pot Seafood Meal
Recipe for a seafood meal

Vegetables Notes
Information from the Department of Agriculture on vegetables

Food List
List of food appropriate for cooking at the Colonial Spanish Quarter

Cinnamon, Chocolate, Salads
Information on the history of cinnamon, chocolate, and salads

Stove Terminology Note
A note listing the various names for Spanish ovens and similar cooking surfaces

Orange Gateau/Tarta de Naranja
A recipe for orange gateau

Potato Omelet/Tortilla de Patatas
A recipe for potato omelets

Orange Flan/Flan de Naranja
A recipe for orange flan

Garlic Soup/Sopa de Ajo
A recipe for garlic soup

Chickpea and Spinach Hotpot/Potaje de Garbanzos y Espinacas
A recipe for a chickpea and spinach hotpot

Early Spanish Rice
A recipe for early Spanish rice

Spanish Citrus Salad
A recipe for Spanish citrus salad

Crusty Marinara Clams
A recipe for marinara clams

Two recipes for gazpacho soup
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